Question: Why do Canadian showers have a faucet at the bottom?

Its main purpose was to flush the lines of cold/cool water to eliminate getting hit in the face by the blast of cold water when you first turn on the shower. Most shower valves have to be plugged anyways, so if you actually see a toe tester its because someone wanted it installed that way.

What is the bottom shower faucet called?

Its the showerhead and the faucet (tap) .

What is a toe tester faucet?

While I was at my local plumbing supply, the guy talked about installing a toe tester in the shower. Essentially a tub spout (though I guess they also make small specific spouts) with a diverter that you test the water before sending it to the shower heads.

Is a tub spout necessary?

If no tub spout is needed, look for “shower only” trim. If a tub spout is necessary, look for a tub and shower trim kit. All trim kits need to be used in conjunction with the rough-in valve that is installed behind the wall or under the deck on tubs.

What is the silver thing in the bathtub?

That is the tub drain overflow plate, though its actually above the drain, not the faucet. (The opening in this plate leads to a tube that prevents the tub from overflowing by allowing water to run out even if the drain in the bottom of the tub is stopped.)

What do you call the faucet in the bathtub?

Roman Tub Faucet — Refers to a faucet mounted on the rim of a tub or the deck behind the tub. Shower Trim Plate — A trim plate is a decorative piece of brass that covers the rough in valve in tub/shower installations. Showerhead — An output devise that delivers water to the shower.

Why is there a tub spout in the shower?

Why would they do this? IT is called a toe tester. It is installed at height that you can operate the diverter without bending over too far. It lets you turn on the water, without getting a shot of cold water in your face, and then set the proper temperature before turning on the shower head.

What is the lever in the bathtub for?

The trip lever is the lever that makes the tub drain go up and down.

What do you call the handle that turns the shower on?

A shower diverter is the lever that you pull to divert water from your bathtub spout to your showerhead.

What do you call the faucet handles?

Sometimes they are even called boutons (as here), although most bear little resemblance to buttons. Knob-style handles are sometimes called croisillons (example).

How do you unstick a shower diverter?

Option 2 – Loosen your diverter with cooking sprayStep 1: Pull the diverter knob up and down a few times to loosen it.Step 2: Apply some cooking spray to lubricate the knob.Step 3: Try pulling it up and down again. Step 4: Wipe away any excess spray and wash the oil off the bathtub.

When I turn my shower on water still comes out of the faucet?

Showering is something you do fairly frequently. Youre no stranger to stepping in the shower, turning on the faucet, and adjusting the taps to get the perfect water temperature. If your tubs spigot continues to run even when you turn on your shower, you most likely have an old or faulty shower diverter valve.

What is the silver thing in a tub?

That is the tub drain overflow plate, though its actually above the drain, not the faucet. (The opening in this plate leads to a tube that prevents the tub from overflowing by allowing water to run out even if the drain in the bottom of the tub is stopped.)

Should bathtub lever be up or down?

When the lever is up, the stopper is held in place, keeping your tub filled with water. When the lever is moved down, the stopper lifts and the tub drains.

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