Question: What mean you go girl?

you) go(you) go, girl! American English spoken informal used to encourage a girl or woman, or to say that you agree with what she is saying → girl. Quizzes.

Why do people say you go girl?

An expression of encouragement. It originated from the show Martin starring Martin Lawrence and Tisha Campbell. When the character Martin was given his girlfriend Gina motivation or a compliment he would say You go girl, with enthusiasm.

How do you use you go girl?

0:071:15GoGirl Female Urination Device | The Grommet - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipYou only need to undress just enough to give go girl coverage. Nothing too conspicuous. The funnelMoreYou only need to undress just enough to give go girl coverage. Nothing too conspicuous. The funnel comes folded in a capsule with an instructional bag that way you can rinse shake.

What is Gurl slang?

gurl (plural gurls) (informal, nonstandard or eye dialect) Alternative form of girl. (LGBT slang) Term of address between gay men or transgender women. (LGBT) A trans girl or woman.

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