Question: What language do they speak in Czech Republic?

Czech language, formerly Bohemian, Czech Čeština, West Slavic language closely related to Slovak, Polish, and the Sorbian languages of eastern Germany. It is spoken in the historical regions of Bohemia, Moravia, and southwestern Silesia in the Czech Republic, where it is the official language.

What language is mostly spoken in Czech Republic?

Although the vast majority of the population of the Czech Republic (96%) speaks Czech, you can also hear Slovak, Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, or Vietnamese as these are languages of the largest national minorities in the Czech Republic.

Is Czech language similar to German?

Czech is the main language in the Czech Republic, spoken by around ten million people. Although Czech may sound baffling to many a Western-European or American visiting the Czech Republic, it is an Indo-European language like French, German or English.

Is Czech language dying?

The United Nations estimates that in 50 years the Czech population will diminish by an astonishing one and a half million people, fifteen percent of the current population. Bottom Line: Language death demands attention, especially the Czech language, and esecially in the United States.

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