Question: What does Blue Tick mean on tinder?

The feature allows members to self-authenticate through a series of real-time posed selfies, which are compared to existing profile photos using human-assisted AI technology. Verified profiles will display a blue checkmark so members can trust their authenticity.

What does it mean if someone has a blue checkmark on Tinder?

The dating app Tinder is now allowing its users to prove they are exactly who they say they are, providing the option to verify their profiles with a blue checkmark, similar to social platforms like Twitter and Instagram. This will mean that Tinder has confirmed the person in the profile photo to be a genuine user.

What does the blue and white tick mean on Tinder?

This small, white checkmark on a blue background means that the account is legit. Whether it belongs to a celebrity, public figure, or reputable brand, if the account has this badge, the user has provided evidence that they are who they say they are.

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