Question: What is a good first line?

The first line of a story should create a sense of character, conflict, setting, mood, theme, or style — or any combination thereof. Most importantly, it should make the reader ask questions. Youre looking for a sentence that pushes readers to read the second.

What is the best opening line in a book?

15 of the best first lines in fictionCall me Ishmael I am an invisible man The story so far: in the beginning, the universe was created. Mother died today. It was a queer, sultry summer, the summer they electrocuted the Rosenbergs, and I didnt know what I was doing in New YorkMore items •2 Oct 2020

How do you write an opening scene in a book?

Follow these tips to write a strong scene opener:Start with the setting. Use visual imagery. Drop the reader into the middle of the action. Write a character-driven scene opener. Summarize past events. Introduce a plot twist. Keep the purpose of the scene in mind. Rewrite until youve found the perfect scene opening.More items •Aug 19, 2021

Why is the opening line of Rebecca so famous?

– Rebecca, Daphne du Maurier (1938) As the opening line suggests, the entire tale is told retrospectively, from a time and place far away from the dramatic and distressing events the second Mrs. de Winter has lived through.

What is the first line of Life of Pi?

My suffering left me sad and gloomy. Older When I was born, people in our village commiserated with my mother and nobody congratulated my father.

What is the beginning or first paragraph of a story?

The backstory is a set of events created for a plot, presented as preceding the story, and leading up to that plot. In simple words, its what happens before the story youre telling in your manuscript takes place, and its usually introduced through the memories of a character or through the narrator.

How do you start the first scene in a story?

Follow these tips to write a strong scene opener:Start with the setting. Use visual imagery. Drop the reader into the middle of the action. Write a character-driven scene opener. Summarize past events. Introduce a plot twist. Keep the purpose of the scene in mind. Rewrite until youve found the perfect scene opening.More items •Apr 28, 2021

How do you write a short scene?

How To Write A Scene In 8 Steps:Identify its unique purpose.Ensure the scene fits with your theme and genre.Create a scene-turning-event.Identify which point of view youre using.Make good use of your location.Use dialogue to build the scene.Be clear on whether your scene is static or mobile.More items

What is the most famous opening line in a gothic novel?

“Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.” In Daphne du Mauriers Gothic classic Rebecca, these haunting words begin the narrative of the nameless second wife of Mr. de Winter, owner of a large country estate called Manderley.

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