Question: What does male BPD look like?

In general, men with BPD are: Highly sensitive to criticism, and aggressive in response to perceived insults or put-downs. Overly controlling in relationships. Intensely jealous and possessive.

What does an episode of BPD look like?

Impulsive and often dangerous behaviors, such as spending sprees, unsafe sex, substance abuse, reckless driving and binge eating. Recurring suicidal behaviors or threats or self-harming behavior, such as cutting. Intense and highly changeable moods, with each episode lasting from a few hours to a few days.

How do you know if a guy has BPD?

In general, men with BPD are:Highly sensitive to criticism, and aggressive in response to perceived insults or put-downs.Overly controlling in relationships.Intensely jealous and possessive.Quick to become disillusioned with others, and openly expressive of their contempt.More items

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