Question: Which MBTI is best wife?

Which MBTI is the most faithful?

ENFP One type that is known for being loyal is the ENFP. An ENFP type is a free spirit, but when it comes to romantic relationships, they are super committed. ENFPs take relationships seriously, and once they become devoted to someone, they are really, really devoted and committed.

Which MBTI most likely to cheat?

INTJs INTJs. As far as an MBTI that is most likely to cheat, INTJs are one of them.

Which MBTI is most unpredictable?

ENFPs are some of the more unpredictable people, since they dislike doing the same thing over and over again. When people think they have the ENFP pegged, they will likely change course. They dislike being stuck in one place and enjoy being able to mix things up in their lives.

What is the strangest personality type?

10 Secrets of the INFJ, the Rarest Personality Type in the World. The INFJ personality is thought to be the rarest of all the Myers-Briggs types. INFJs are indeed a trove of secrets that even they wont readily reveal.

Are INFPs unpredictable?

INFPs are genuine and imaginative people, who often enjoy exploring the richness of their own minds. They enjoy being able to try new things, which can sometimes make them unpredictable. People who know the INFP will often know what to expect since they will often choose the path that is honorable.

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