Question: Can a 30 year old date a 17 year old in Nevada?

It is legal in Nevada for an adult to date a 17-year old or a 16-year old. Otherwise, any dating relationship between an adult and a child under 16 will probably constitute either of the Nevada crimes: statutory sexual seduction (statutory rape), making child pornography, and/or.

16 “Age of Consent” Laws in Nevada. NRS 200.364 is the Nevada law setting 16 as the age of consent to have sex. However, Nevada has a Romeo and Juliet exception: Children age 14 or 15 may have consensual sex with people less than four years older.

Can a 30 year old date a 16 year old in Nevada?

It is legal in Nevada for an adult to date a 17-year old or a 16-year old. Otherwise, any dating relationship between an adult and a child under 16 will probably constitute either of the Nevada crimes: making child pornography, and/or. child abuse.

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