Question: Is Charlie dating the waitress?

Charlie has a long standing crush on The Waitress. The gang, minus Frank, went to high school with the Waitress, and it is revealed in The High School Reunion that Charlies feelings date back to this time.

Are Charlie and the waitress together?

Charlie (Charlie Day) and the Waitress (Mary Elizabeth Ellis) are married in real life. Creator and star Rob McElhenney and co-star Kaitlin Olson got married in 2008. They have two children.

Are Charlie and Dee in a relationship?

[Its Always Sunny] Charlie and Dee are secretly in a relationship. On the most recent episode, Charlie mentioned that him and Dee have started smoking together and hanging out together much to the surprise to the rest of The Gang.

Who is the father of Dees baby?

Carmen Macs transgender ex-lover Carmen is the father of Dees baby. She is now in a relationship with another man who is unable to have children so Dee acted as a surrogate for the pair. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief at the fact the child will not be raised with Dee as a mother.

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