Question: What is Kik linked to?

Kik Messenger is a free instant messaging and social networking app, now owned by the California based MediaLab, that uses your smartphones data plan or Wi-Fi connection to send messages to other Kik users, bypassing SMS (short message service).

Can Police Retrieve Kik messages?

What will be of further concern to law enforcement, is that Kik do not store and cannot retrieve any sent or received messages (Kik, 2015a). It is therefore crucial that forensic examiners are able to obtain as much information as possible from recovered mobile devices to aid investigations.

Can Kik messages be subpoenaed?

Kik will only accept valid legal process (warrant or subpoena/summons) from a US federal, state, or local governmental entity or court. Further, Kik evaluates all requests as they relate to content or noncontent information.

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